Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Dodging Frogs

The coolest thing I heard today was the spring peepers, who have begun their nightly concerts in the wetlands. We heard them as we drove home, slaloming around the frogs hopping across the road, hoping not to squish any. The coolest thing I have to show you today is a spider, which will be at the end of the post. In fact, the insects today were scarce and uncooperative:
 Gnat on snowdrop

 I am assuming this is a plant bug, Hemiptera, but this is the best look I got.

There were lots of snow fleas out, and a few winter fireflies:

 And a handful of candy striped leaf hoppers. Though it had clouded over by afternoon, taking away the sun they so enjoy basking in, the temperature was in the 60s, so they didn't seem to mind much.

Arachnid Appreciation:
 This is a new species of jumping spider for me, but I didn't realize it when I was taking pictures of it. It certainly looks similar to others from this view, but...

 ... when it looked up, it revealed a bright red face mask! I must admit that I didn't see that when I took the picture. It was small, it didn't stick around long, it was kind of dark from the clouds, and I was unable to get closer than this. I only saw the amazing red face when I looked at the picture on the computer.

 Here's a closer look.

The leaf litter is a popular prowling ground for spiders.

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