Wednesday, June 5, 2019


I'm drawing a blank on what to say today, so let's just get to the pictures of bugs.

Backyard Co-Bug of the Day #1:
 I thought this was some kind of Hemiptera, but now I think it's a beetle. It's kind of hard to see, and this is sort of breaking my rule about needing to have a good picture of something for it to be BBotD, but I didn't have a great choice today.

Backyard Co-Bug of the Day #2:
 I think this is a Hemiptera, though. Also not a good picture, but this kind of bug shape, very round, is hard to photograph with the shallow depth of field of the macro lens. It's pretty, though, like a little, metal ball.

Other Bugs:
 Green lacewing. This would be BBotD today except that it was BBotD a little over a month ago. I don't know what that lump is in the middle of its body. I have never seen one like that. It looks like an injury. Or perhaps it has a parasite? I don't know. It could still fly, though, and it's alive. Insects seem to be very resilient, and able to put up with a lot of physical problems.

 Click beetle

 Sweat bee

 I think this is a pistol case moth–either larva or pupa. It's hard to tell, because it makes the case and travels around in it, and then pupates in it as well, but you don't see much of the actual caterpillar really. It may not be a pistol case moth, but another case moth.

A few flower longhorn beetles:

 On multiflora rose

 Leaf hopper

A couple of caterpillars:


Leaf hopper larva

Today was one of those days when there are suddenly spiders everywhere, multiple species, so there's a lot to appreciate in Arachnid Appreciation:

I think this might be a new species for me.

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