Wednesday, February 6, 2019


It's unusual for me to not enjoy my bug walk, but today I spent most of it not finding any bugs while listening to construction noises from somewhere nearby, and it put a damper on my enjoyment. Construction noises are one of my least favorite things. I found some bugs right at the beginning, and I found some bugs right before I went into the house, and the rest of the time I was mostly just grinding my teeth at the noise. The caterpillar that had been hanging out on the picnic table was gone. It was about twenty degrees (F) cooler than yesterday (but still about ten degrees above normal), and the number of bugs to be seen was a pretty good reflection of that drop.

Yesterday I saw only one winter firefly, but today on their favorite tree there were a few crawling around:

After that... nothing. Until I dragged the trash can up from the street and saw that there were several stone flies zooming around on top of it:

They were not the only insects on the trash can:
Cockroach nymph. Don't panic, I am pretty sure this is one of those woods and outdoors cockroaches. The trash can is a not a surprising place to find it, though–they are decomposers.

And on the garden hose, a midge.

As I ponder my disappointment, though, I must remind myself that it is February. I wouldn't be seeing all of this if the ground was covered with snow. Well, maybe the winter fireflies.

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