Monday, November 16, 2015

Shorts Weather

There's something so delightful about changing into shorts on a November afternoon because it's too hot to wear long pants. This may just be a question of perspective, because in September I would have changed into sweatpants from shorts on a day like today, but the fact remains that today was a beautiful day to be outside. It was strangely quiet, because for a change it wasn't reall windy, and I couldn't hear any crickets in the backyard (I did hear some in the front down by the rocks, though). I did hear a bug buzz by me, but it went fast, and by the time I turned to see what it was and where it went it was gone. I wish I had seen it - it sounded big.

There are a few places in the backyard where summer is holding on, and the things living there are ignoring the fact that winter is creeping in:
 Ferns providing a touch of green among all the dead brown.

 The squirrels have left a lot of acorns lying around:
 I found a bunch of them that were starting to sprout. I was surprised by this, because I read somewhere that acorns need a prolonged period of cold temperatures in order to sprout, and it hasn't been THAT cold.

 Ever wonder what an acorn looks like on the inside?

Backyard Bug of the Day:
 It was in the 60s today, so there were hoppers around.

I think this hopper looks like it was designed by Gustav Klimt. It even has the metallic gold.

Other hoppers:

Random Bugs:


There were quite a few swarms today - you can see one at the top center of this picture - but this time I don't think they were all March flies...

 I think some of them were these, which look like small crane flies.

 There were some March flies, though. This one was marching around on a rock, holding its wings straight out. No idea why.

 I love finding unexpected insects. I did not expect to find a grasshopper today.

Arachnid Appreciation:

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