Sunday, November 15, 2015

A Reveal

There is one fun thing about this time of year. When the leaves fall off the trees you find out where all the birds had their nests over the summer:
 I walk by this dogwood tree a couple of times a day, within about 4 feet of it. There were times over the summer when birds would get very agitated when I walked around in this part of the backyard, robins at one point, and catbirds at another, so I am guessing that one of those at least was nesting in this tree at the time, and I didn't see the nest, so I didn't know it. I don't know enough about birds to know if this is a robins' nest or a catbirds' nest - it does look like it could be a robins' nest. If it is, I would venture that there is probably another nest nearby that I haven't seen yet (if it is in the cedar tree, I probably won't), because both species were hostile to my presence in the area at times.

 Speaking of finding things in trees, a branch broke off a tree yesterday, and I saw this on it. I don't know if it's a cocoon or an egg mass - there certainly look like there are a lot of things in that bigger blob of silk.

 This piece of bark was on the ground nearby. It it obvious where it came from. So whatever it is that made those cocoonish things did so underneath the bark at the time.

Lest you think that the reason for a lack of blog yesterday is yet another day of rain, that is not the case. The reason I didn't post a blog yesterday is because I didn't find any bugs. I saw one fly by at one point on my bug walk, but that was the only bug I saw. It was cold, in the low 40s, and there had been a freeze overnight, but I still expected to find bugs; usually they will be around as long as the temperature is above 40ºF. But there was nothing. I did hear one, though, a cricket. Just one. The wind was horrible and painful, so it was unpleasant to even be outside, and it irritated me that having found no bugs I went outside for nothing. Except it's good to go outside. I don't care. My hands were freezing, so... harrumph.

Today was warmer, and more buggy. Huzzah!

Backyard Bug of the Day:
 Caterpillar. Haven't seen one in ages. No, I don't know what kind it is.

 Caterpillar closeup

Here's my biggest surprise of the day:
 A bee - a sweat bee, maybe?

 It's beautiful

Random Bugs:

Arachnid Appreciation:

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