Sunday, September 7, 2014

Differing Opinions

It is not news to me that not everyone likes bugs. I didn't like them myself at one time. I assume if you are reading this blog that you at least find them interesting, but I know that there are a fair few of my friends who will never look at it because they don't ever want to look at bugs, especially not up close, even if it's just in a picture. I respect the differing opinions - and gut reactions. But I had some funny, opposing reactions this weekend at picnics. On Saturday we went to a barbecue, and I saw someone I know, and I told him about my bug photo exhibit at the library, and his reaction was something along the lines of, "Bugs? Ew." That might even be a direct quote, I just don't remember exactly how he put it. Well, I was at another picnic today, and my neighbor made a point to tell everyone that they should go see the exhibit, because she is so excited about it herself. However, I was slightly concerned as we were hanging the pictures at the library that there would be people using the community room in the next month who were going to be squicked out by the pictures on the wall, but I think most of them (the pictures, not the people) are small enough that no one sitting in the middle of the room will feel like the bugs are staring at them unless they are really staring back.

Anyway, the point of the whole exercise is maybe to change somebody's mind about bugs. It could happen. Maybe if someone sees a really interesting bug, they will realize that there is beauty there.

Remember last night when it was raining, and I said that we were going to end up with a quarter inch of rain from the storm? We got a quarter inch of rain. That will tell you something about our rain this summer - I can now recognize a quarter inch storm because that's all we ever get.

Having a picnic to go to this afternoon, I didn't get to do my bug walk until later in the afternoon than usual. The backyard was very shady by that time, and the paucity of bugs from the last few days continued. But you know me, I persevered.

Backyard Bug of the Day:
Tiny little bug on the side of a tree. One of those bugs that's so small that you don't know what it looks like unless you look through the macro lens.

Backyard Bud of the Day:
Basil. Growing on my front porch. You're not supposed to let it flower...

 I think this is a honeybee? For all the bees we get in the backyard, I don't see these very often, but today they were all over the goldenrod.

Random Bugs:
 Another net-winged beetle.

 I think this is a borer of some kind, but it's not in my book. It was BBotD a while ago. I think this is a really beautiful bug.

 Baby lacewings?


 Another aphid.

 There are two bugs in this picture. Can you see them both?

 This caterpillar was doing laps around the round table in the arbor.

When my husband went inside after being in the arbor, he found this one on his shirt. He brought it outside on a part of his grade book.

 You know what this is by now.

Another tiny bug that is so small you can't tell what it is without looking through the macro lens. On the same tree as the BBotD.

A couple of noteworthy plants:
 Ripening pokeberries.

A leaf with a lot of galls. (I think).

A couple of nice spiders and things for Arachnid Appreciation:
 This is an eye test. Can you see the spider?


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