Saturday, May 18, 2024

Raindrops Are Falling On the Bugs

 It's been a bit rainy lately.

I haven't been able to take my camera out on my walks, but today I saw a really cool bug right outside my house, so with the assistance of my husband holding an umbrella over me and my camera, I was able to get pictures of Backyard Bug of the Day:

This looks like a bee, but it's a fly. The main way you can tell is the eyes.

Flies sometimes have REALLY cool eyes. Like this one.

I took these pictures before my walk. When I came back from my walk about an hour and a half later it was still there. Not flying weather, I guess, but it was not well sheltered from the rain, that's for sure.

I went for my walk in the rain, and since it had stopped by the time I got back, I took my camera into the woods to take a picture I haven't been able to take for days, because... rain:

Stinkbug eggs

You know who likes rainy weather?

Slugs. They also like fungus, which is what they are dining on here. Also, that is a poison ivy vine, so this picture just really makes my skin crawl.

I took this picture a couple of days ago (5/15):

It rained that day, too, as you can see from the rain drops on this caterpillar. I spotted it on a plant as I was getting back from my camera-less walk. This is another umbrella-assisted shot, although this one I was balancing the umbrella by myself.

That's it for the last few days. I've seen lots of bugs, but I wasn't able to take pictures. Before I had my woods, if it was raining I just didn't go out, because most of the time I was in my backyard I was out there taking pictures. Now, I go for a walk in the woods nearly every day, rain or shine (just not wind or lightning). I'm not made of sugar, as the expression goes. But my camera stays out of the rain.

Arachnid Appreciation:













I think this is a trash line spider, although there is no trash line on this web. It's a gorgeous spider for such an ugly name.

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