Thursday, February 23, 2017

It's Still Boot Weather

Another beautiful day in the backyard. I wore my boots when I went out, but I could almost have done my entire walk without stepping in snow if I wanted to make the effort and watch where I was going. But I'd rather keep an eye out for bugs, so I wore my boots and was indifferent to whether I was tromping through the last remnants of the blizzard or through mud.

A picture of two seasons, side by side.

I didn't find much in the way of insect life, which was surprising and disappointing. I even only found one winter firefly, but there was something interesting about it:
 Usually when I see them they are just sitting on a tree trunk, and they have their heads tucked under their pronotums (pronota? I don't know the plural of that, but if you want to know what it is, it's that part of the beetle that covers its thorax–the middle of the three body segments of an insect–and on this particular species it's the part with the pink stripes). But this one was walking around, and I guess for that reason needed to see where it was going, so its head was visible.

Other than that, the only things I saw were two spiders, and I only got a usable picture of one. So... Arachnid Appreciation:

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