Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Mood Swings

I am feeling grumpy right now, for reasons that are not bug or backyard related, so let's just get on with the pictures of bugs that I found in my backyard on this unbelievably beautiful November day.

Backyard Co-Bug of the Day #1:

Nope. Not the Backyard Co-Bug of the Day, because my browser crashed as the pictures were loading, and I had to load them all over again, so now you are just going to see them in the order in which they were taken, because it's faster to load them that way, instead of the coherent pattern in which I had loaded them before. Except I'll still move the spiders to the end. My mood had improved while I was waiting for the pictures to load, because the World Series ended with a win by the team I was rooting for, but the crash has made me grumpy again.

 A surprise today - I saw quite a few bugs that I have not seen around in a while, including this small milkweed bug. The milkweed is all gone, so I don't know what it's eating, but here it is. In general it was a day for Hemiptera in the backyard.

 Tiny beetle, spotted in the exact same spot as the even tinier beetle that was BBotD yesterday. But this one wouldn't cooperate, so the honor won't go to this one.

 Another small milkweed bug

Backyard Co-Bug of the Day #1:
 Leaf hopper

 Another Hemiptera - a squash bug, on one of the catalpa trees that still has leaves.

Backyard Co-Bug of the Day #2:
 Another leaf hopper.

 Tree cricket

 Assassin bug

 Pair of candy-striped leaf hoppers

 A bee found one of the few remaining flowers in bloom.


 In one part of the backyard I could hear something falling from the trees - it sounded like light rain, but I couldn't see anything falling. I thought maybe it was these seeds, which were all over the ground and plants under the trees, but I felt a few wet drops on my head - in the spring the black birch trees drip sap, maybe they do it in the fall, too?

 Tiny beetle

The same grasshopper from above, just a different view

Arachnid Appreciation:

There were even more March flies flying around the backyard today, and resting all over the place on the leaves of plants, but this is the only picture I took. Being eaten by a six-spotted orb weaver.

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