Friday, June 17, 2016

Wondering About Wings

Here is a picture that illustrates how my bug walk went today:
 Ah, daisies. Do you see the bugs? No? Exactly.

Backyard Bug of the Day:
 I love spotting these moths, because I tend to overlook them at first. I know they seem to stand out in the pictures, but believe me, in person, they are not as obvious. And they're pretty big, too, as backyard moths go.

Random Bugs:
 I spotted this lady beetle as it was pulling its wing under it elytron. I really wonder how that works; wings don't look like they can have muscles in them, so even if there is a muscle that pulls it in, what folds it into place?

 Wing put away, and then...

 Out it came again!

 Just one wing. I have no idea why, it was obviously not flying away. I don't think I ever realized how big lady beetle wings are, and I have seen dead ones with their wings unfurled. This one pulled it back in again after.

 There were four of these on a multiflora rose plant, each on a different leaf in a cluster of leaves at the end of a branch. As soon as I got close, they all scurried to the back of the leaves - in unison. It was quite comical to see.

 Long legged fly


And that's all for today! I saw a lot of bumblebees on the raspberry flowers, but they were all too fast for me and my camera. I don't know where all the bugs were hiding today, but I couldn't find them in my backyard.

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