Thursday, November 26, 2015


Happy Thanksgiving! Do you know what we should all be thankful for? Well, you probably know what I am going to say, but I am going to say it anyway - we should all be thankful for INSECTS! And why should we be thankful for insects? Because as pollinators of plants, they are the reason that so many of the delicious foods of your Thanksgiving feast even exist. So, thank you insects! Thank you pollinators! Thank you for everything you do to make life on this planet work, even though so many of the people on the planet think that they only thing you're good for is to be squished. You're awesome insects!

Backyard Bug of the Day:

Random Bug:
Moth on the kitchen window. I didn't really get to do a bug walk today. Yes, I did go out with my camera, but I also went out with a bunch of people, and they had my attention instead of the bugs. I did look, though. I just didn't see any. I also didn't get to cover most of the yard, because I didn't have time. So this moth was a bonus for me, because I saw it land on the kitchen window. I went outside to get the picture. It's too bad I didn't really have time for the bugs today, because it was a nice day temperature-wise, so maybe I would have found more if I'd spent the time.

Also, sorry about the lack of post yesterday. I did do a bug walk yesterday, and I did find bugs - some surprising ones, too, given that it was chilly (like leaf hoppers, which I don't usually see if its in the 40s), but I just had too much to do to have time to write a blog post. And since nothing I got a picture of was new and different, or even anything I had not posted in the last week or so, I took a day off.

Tomorrow is supposed to be in the 60s. It could be really good...

Edit: I wrote this blog without actually looking at the pictures from yesterday, and now that I have, I am going to break a rule that says all pictures from a blog have to be from that day. Well, I took a pretty awesome picture yesterday, so I am going to share it:

 What's so great about that? It's just an ant, you say? An ant carrying something...

 Here's the zoomed in view. The any is carrying a caterpillar. This is not a big ant. That is a tiny, tiny caterpillar. Also, you should be impressed that I got this picture in focus, because this little ant was moving fast. Sorry I am becoming so vain, always telling you to be impressed with my admittedly amateur skills. But come on, this ant looks cool.

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