Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Doing Rain Dances

Pretty much all we can talk about today is the fact that it is supposed to rain tomorrow and the next day. I am not sure why we actually believe the weather forecast that says it is going to rain, because rain has been forecast many times in the last couple of months and then failed to materialize, but right now we are just about ready to start doing rain dances to encourage water to come pouring from the sky. Even if it does, I think it will be too little, too late - the leaves are already raining down from the trees, and a little moisture won't save the ones that are left. But maybe other things will be revived. Like me.

It was too hot for me to do a bug walk this morning, so I left it until evening, and whether it was the heat, or the timing, I didn't find a lot of bugs. I had to resort to the porch light, and even that didn't attract much buggy interest, but I did get something to use for Backyard Bug of the Day. It has been BBotD already this year, but it was months ago, and it wasn't an adult then, so that is how I am justifying it. Otherwise, I wouldn't have a Backyard Bug of the Day today. Anyway...

Backyard Bug of the Day:
Katydid. Katydids always look annoyed. I think if I was named Katy I would probably be annoyed by the name of these bugs.

Checking in on the caterpillars I adopted:
This is the smaller of the two caterpillars. It was on the move today after having a bite to eat. Well, many bites - it ate half a leaf, which is a lot for these guys - they don't eat much. I should have watched where it went, because now I can't find it, and am afraid that it has wandered off somewhere outside the enclosure, which is not actually closed.

Random Bugs:
Caterpillar feet (Sorry it's a bad picture - it was getting dark, and I don't have my ring flash).

Milkweed tussock moth caterpillar

I assume these two assassin bugs are mating...

But it sort of looks like he is attacking her with that proboscis. I don't know if assassin bugs are cannibalistic.


Arachnid Appreciation:
There are several of these spiders around the foundation of the house. And they all have webs full of fallen leaves.

Sorry for the blurry shots, it was windy and getting dark, but you can see that there is something lurking...

The moth flew away in time.

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