Sunday, October 26, 2014


The wind was roaring today. This was the first time I ever missed a shot of a bug because it was blown away by the wind before I could get the picture, and it happened several times. There were not so many bugs swarming today. Maybe they tried, but I only saw one group, during a brief lull in the wind. I feel for the bugs, so small, so blow-away-able.

Here are two photos to illustrate what else the weather was doing in the backyard today:
 Sun is out.

Sun is behind a cloud. These two pictures were taken within seconds of each other.

Looks like my lawn chairs need a coat of paint...

Backyard Bug of the Day:
 This bug is tinier than you probably realize. Like gnat sized. Maybe a little bigger than a gnat, but in that category. This is as close as I could get with the camera, and it's still small in the picture. I am not sure if it's a fly of some kind, or what it looks like, which is a wasp.

 I can't even really tell what color it is. Sort of green? The yellow marks on its back are the reflection of the ring flash, not an actual mark on the bug, but it's interesting that it is reflecting yellow.

I've zoomed in this picture. It's a very good looking bug.

Random Bugs:

 The bug on the upper leaf was on a different part of the plant, until the wind blew it across.

 Woolly aphids crammed in the crack of the bark of a tree.

 No idea what this was - I only got this one shot before it disappeared.

 Twenty-spotted ladybug and some sort of exoskeleton.

Arachnid Appreciation:


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