Friday, July 1, 2022

An Intermission

 I didn't intend to post today, but... here I am, posting. I didn't intend to do a bug walk, either, but I did a little bit of one because I found some cool bugs while mowing the lawn. When I found the first one, in the garden shed while I was getting out the mower, I said, "Ugh, I need to mow the lawn, I don't have time to take pictures of bugs!" Then when I saw the next one, on a milkweed plant in the garden, I said, "Fine! I'll go get my camera!" So, there was an intermission in the mowing of the lawn. Time well spent.

Backyard Bug of the Day:

I think this might be a camel cricket. It's some kind of cricket, anyway. I found it in the garden shed, and moved it outside.

I think it's a male, because I think those pointy things on the back end are for clasping purposes during mating.

Other Bugs:

Here's an update on the new ladybeetle pupa. The color darkened, it developed spots, and its features are sharper. By this time next week it will be an adult ladybeetle.

Meanwhile, in the milkweed patch:

One of my favorite bugs: Red Milkweed Beetle:

Candy striped leafhoppers

I can never remember the name of this species of leaf hopper.

Furcula caterpillar:

It was alarmed by a gust of wind.

After I mowed the lawn I sat on the back porch to rest for a while, and when I took off my hat I discovered a stowaway.

The eastern tiger swallowtail went for a walk around dusk, just like it did last night. And just like we did last night and tonight. A few minutes later it was back on its hammock.

Arachnid Appreciation:













I think this is a spider that died from a fungus infection.

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