Saturday, February 26, 2022

Treading Carefully

 We had a snow/sleet/rain storm yesterday which left a slick, hard coating of frozen snow/slush on the ground, so I strapped my crampons onto my boots and headed for the sunny woods. As we descended into the valley, it occurred to me that I had not seen any bugs at all (it was a few degrees above freezing), but I found something on my way down that path. And then when I got down by the stream...

Backyard Bugs of the Day:

This is where I like to see snow fleas–on the snow. A reminder, snow fleas are not fleas, they are a species of springtails (and I am still confused about whether they are insects of not). There were thousands of them, not bunched together (which would have made them easier to see and photograph), but spread out all over. I had forgotten that last winter we found a lot more bugs down in the valley by the stream. Other than what appeared to be a gnat, and a caddisfly larva in the stream, I didn't see any bugs other than the multitudes of snow fleas. I didn't bring my camera, because I don't like to have it on me when I am unsure of my footing, in case I fall on it, so phone photos are the best I could do.

But what did I see as I was walking down into the valley?

Arachnid Appreciation:













I think one of the coolest things I have learned about arthropods in the years I have been studying them in my backyard is that spiders come out and walk around on snow.

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