Tuesday, April 6, 2021

The Law of Nature

 One of my favorite moments of every year is when I look out my window and see that leaves are opening up on my crabapple tree, the first tree in my backyard to get its leaves:

Clear blue sky, bright green leaves... ah, magnificence!

More and more flowers are blooming too; the crocuses are done (eaten, mostly, to my woe and chagrin), but there are daffodils, bluets, creeping myrtle in abundance, and the forsythia bush in bloom. Flowers attract pollinating insects, and today was the first day that the rock garden full of creeping myrtle blooms was buzzing with bees, flies and wasps. None of them wanted to have their picture taken (although I certainly tried), so I had to look elsewhere for a Backyard Bug of the Day:

Assassin bug nymph with prey, on a forsythia flower. I saw another assassin bug there, too, an adult of another species, but as an adult, it had wings, and flew away before I could take a picture. Anyway, as this shows, flowers attract pollinators, and pollinators attract predators. The great law of nature, as far as I have observed: If there is something to eat, there will be something to eat it.

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