Thursday, March 25, 2021

Different Vision

 Different people see the world differently, I believe. I don't mean opinions, like whether a glass is half full or half empty. I mean people literally see different things, different people will look at the same scene and notice different things about it, and some will immediately see things that others would never notice are there.

A typical person would look at this and see a bunch of pretty crocuses blooming:

A person who is interested in bugs will see the shadow on a petal on the flower on the right...

... and look for what is hiding there. 

As you can see, spring has sprung in my backyard. Crocuses are blooming, and as I always say, if there is something to eat, there will be something to eat it:

Gnat feeding on a crocus. (I have no idea what the lady beetle was feeding on).

And in Arachnid Appreciation...:













... on a thread dangling from the back porch light, a spider feasted on another spider. The prey is a jumping spider, which made me a little sad because I like jumping spiders the best, but I really shouldn't play favorites. It is interesting to note that the jumping spider is quite a bit bigger than the spider that captured it. Also, it looks like the jumping spider has prey of its own that it was feeding on before it was captured, but it's hard to really see.

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