Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Weather and Seasons

I don't have a Backyard Bug of the Day today. I didn't get to do a complete bug walk, due to weather and timing factors, and I didn't find many bugs. I'll show you what I did find, though, which includes an adorable spider, for those of you who appreciate arachnids.

... or not. The photo uploader is not working again. I'll try again later...

Things are beginning to look a little autumnal lately in my backyard.

The Bugs:

 Plant hopper

 Leaf hoppers

Can you find the insect?

 Spotting this mantis was like looking at one of those magic eye pictures that were everywhere in the 1990s. You stare at it, not seeing anything, until suddenly your eyes focus differently, and there it is. The effect is probably different while looking at a photograph than it was actually standing there looking at plants, but I think you get the idea. And I guess I have given you a spoiler of what this insect is.

 There are two species of praying mantises that can be found in Connecticut; both are introduced species, and not really welcome predators to a lot of people. The ones I have been seeing lately have been the tan colored ones, and that is what I have seen most of the time, I think, over the years. So maybe this is the other species. I don't know which is which. And I am not sure if the State Insect of Connecticut designation refers to a specific species or just covers praying mantises in general.



 Jagged ambush bug

 Assassin bug nymph

 Arachnid Appreciation:












Jumping spider




Still sitting on the same leaf as yesterday.


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