Wednesday, January 22, 2020

A Fine, Januaryish Day

January has been acting pretty Januaryish this week, which it is perfectly within its rights to do, but the consequence is that I haven't really looked for bugs much, and when I have, I didn't find anything. Today was the first day this week that was above freezing, so I did look at the rocks out in front to see if there was anything there, and there wasn't. I was a little surprised, because I have seen snow fleas and winter ants there on colder days than this, but it may have to do with the fact that the last couple of days have stayed below freezing, and the nights have been frigid. Even though today warmed up a tidge, last night was a chiller. That may be why there was nothing active on the rocks, and I figured if there wasn't anything in the warmest, sunniest spot in the yard, there was no point in looking for bugs in the cooler, shadier spots. However, when I went for my walk in the woods, I did find one bug.

Backyard Bug of the Day:
Winter fireflies are active year round, but they are called winter fireflies because they are most noticeable in the winter. Well, and because they are the only fireflies active in the winter. Still, they don't come out when it's below freezing; they like sunny, milder days. Today was certainly sunny, though the woods, even without leaves on the trees, are always pretty shady, and it was above freezing, as I said, though I wouldn't have called it a mild day. And there is still snow covering the ground, albeit a thin blanket. However, this hardy beetle was out enjoying the afternoon, and I am in agreement with it that it was a fine day indeed to be outside. Sadly, I had only my phone, not my camera with its macro lens, so this is the best picture I could get.

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