Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Overnight Low

Today was a pretty beautiful day, cloudy on and off, but a really pleasant temperature, and not humid. The kind of day that's really nice to spend outside. Strangely, the insects in my backyard didn't seem to share this opinion; aside from a fair number of bees flying around, insects were hard to find during my bug walk. I can't help but wonder if that is because last night was not so lovely, with the temperature dropping into the 40s. It was strikingly obvious that the bugs were just not out today; yesterday I took over 300 pictures (the most in one day for quite some time), and today I took only 78.

Backyard Bug of the Day:
 Some kind of Hemiptera. It was quite tiny, but an adult; it had wings and could fly.

Other Bugs:
 Crickets, one on each side of this leaf.

 Eastern tiger swallowtail caterpillar

I only saw two katydids on my bug walk today (though I saw more later when I was mowing the lawn in the evening), and this one did something extraordinary: it flew! It's not extraordinary in that katydids have wings, of course they can fly, I have just never seen one do it. Unfortunately, it flew, landed near me, decided it didn't want its picture taken, flew again–right at my head!–and then landed where you see it here, in a place where I could not get a good photo of it. I forgive it, though, because I got to see a katydid fly!

 Bumblebee with full pollen baskets on autumn joy sedum




 Stinkbug nymph

 Plant hopper

Arachnid Appreciation:
 Harvestmen mating

Young nurse spider. I have never seen one this small.

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