Friday, January 18, 2019

Forecasting Insects

We're supposed to have a lot of snow this weekend (unless it's rain instead), so I feel like I could make up some kind of folklore about what I found today:
 Snow fleas, which by now you know are not fleas, but a species of springtail. I don't know why these were out today, but I could say that seeing snow fleas is a harbinger of snow to come... But I won't, because that is just nonsense that I just made up. There was one rock on the front walk that had a bunch of snow fleas on it.


The reason I did a bug walk today, after having no success the rest of the week even on the days that it was warm enough to make me think it was worth going out, was because I kept seeing bugs through the windows, so I assumed that there was a lot of insect action outside today. I saw swarms of what I think were midges, and other small things flying past the window. But when I went out, and did my full bug walk, all I found was the snow fleas on the front walk.

 Well, and one spider for Arachnid Appreciation:

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