Thursday, September 20, 2018


It is curious that in the last week I am seeing so many frogs:
 This could be the same toad that I saw a few days ago, it was in the same general area of the backyard. I have no idea what the toad population is. With the snake that was in this same part of the backyard yesterday any toad in the vicinity is in jeopardy.

Backyard Co-Bug of the Day #1:
 Female scorpionfly. If this was a male the "tail" would be longer and curled up like a scorpion's.

Backyard Co-Bug of the Day #2:
I believe this is a species of springtail. It's quite a lovely one, metallic blue. And so tiny!

 Close-up view

 Other Bugs:
 Red-legged Grasshoppers

 Photobombed by a gnat

 Assassin bugs

 Ragged ambush bug

 Ah, this species of katydid has been missing from the recent variety of insects in general and katydids in particular.

 Bald faced hornet

 A couple of weeks ago I posted a picture of moth eggs that had been laid on some deer netting. I find them there every year around this time, and I always feel bad for them, because often they don't last there long enough to hatch; either they are washed off by rain or they are eaten. The ones I posted a couple of weeks ago disappeared soon after, but more were laid, and now those have hatched.

 Sweat bee

 Assassin bug


 Green stinkbugs are often difficult to spot.


 But not always.

 Crane fly

Fuzzy caterpillars seem to be the rage these days:

Arachnid Appreciation:
I often find spiders on this particular mountain mint plant, but sometimes they are hard to see at first.

But like I said, I often find them there.

Nursery web spider

I think this is a nursery web spider, on goldenrod.

Flower crab spider that has caught an ant among the goldenrod blooms.

Bowl and doily spider

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