Thursday, June 22, 2017

Bugs or Bites?

The choices that I made today about how to spend my time resulted in a bug walk at around 8:00 at night, when it was dusky and getting dark. Those choices mean I didn't find a lot of bugs, but I did get to have chocolate eclairs for dessert, so I cannot repine. But you didn't get the eclairs, so... sorry I don't have a lot of bugs for you.

Backyard Bugs of the Day:
 Plant bugs of some sort, order Hemiptera. The daisies in my yard mostly look horrible and beat up, eaten and bedraggled, but it's not these bugs that are doing the damage. Hemiptera feed by sucking the juices from plants (or other bugs, as the species may be), and they don't even have mouth parts that can take bites out of things, so something else is chomping on the daisies. There are a lot of these on the daisies, however.

Other Bugs:
 Another kind of plant bug

 I think this is a cockroach. Is it just me, or is it kind of lopsided?

 Beetle on foxglove


 Moth. This moth was less than 1/4 inch long, and I had to really look at it to be sure it was a moth, and not just a piece of plant detritus.

 Aphid, I think.

Arachnid Appreciation:

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