Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Winter Insects

We had a blizzard last week to start a series of several days with varying amounts of snowfall. Today was a milder day, though, and when I was outside finally shoveling the last of the snow off the driveway, I thought it might be a good day to find snow fleas (which, as a reminder, are not fleas, but a species of springtail). A gnat wandered past my face as I was taking a break, which was a definite sign that bugs could be found today. So, when I was done I put away my shovel and went to get my camera instead.

The first thing I discovered was that the snow in the backyard is deeper than the snow on the driveway. It was a bit of a slog. And I didn't find any snowfleas. Or any winter fireflies, which I was also looking for. But I did find this:
 A swarm of winter crane flies. I have seen them in the winter before (because they are winter crane flies, obviously), but never with snow on the ground. I thought that they hung out in the leaf litter when the temperature was below freezing, but now I don't think so, because the leaf litter here is about a foot under the snow.

Can't see them? How's this:

Backyard Bug of the Day:
 One settled on the snow.

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