Sunday, November 22, 2015

Dodging Raindrops

I took an abbreviated bug walk today in a brief break in the rain. The break wasn't long enough for me to explore much of the backyard, but I have a feeling I didn't miss much. What I did find for Backyard Bug of the Day was interesting, though, because it is something that was on my list earlier of things I was not seeing in the backyard, and my hypothesis about why I was not seeing them was because of a lack of rain. Well, we've had a slightly more normal rain pattern in the last two weeks or so, and I have been starting to see them again. Today was the first time I saw them in numbers.

What am I talking about?

Backyard Bug of the Day:
 Springtails. I have posted pictures of a couple of different kinds of springtails lately, and this kind even photobombed the BBotD a couple of days ago. In the past I have seen them in large numbers, particularly on the tree pictured here. I have been looking for them lately, and have not seen them. But today, there they were about ten of them in the area where I was looking. They are tiny, and kept moving, so I didn't get any great shots, but I think they are adorable. They look like tiny little robot bugs.

 Here's another one, different coloring.

On my way back to the house when it started to rain I happened to look down and was surprised to see a moth on the path.
 When I leaned down to look closer, I saw that the moth was no more...

Speaking of moths...
 The biggest bug surprise today was that there were moths attracted to the porch light tonight, with the temperature in the low 40s and sleet coming down.

Arachnid Appreciation:
 Another spider in the house today. A jumping spider. I love that it looks like it is wearing purple eye shadow.

Change of posture - getting ready to jump, I thought, but it didn't.

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