Monday, February 9, 2015

Snowflakes That Stay On My... Window Glasses

Hey, you know what you can do with a macro lens in the winter?

 Take pictures of snowflakes!

 I have been trying to do this for ages, but the logistics of it are harder than you'd think. Even having the right kind of snow is an issue - not all snow makes picturesque flakes.

 Today I got lucky - I was looking out an upstairs window, which is at a slant because of the kind of house we have, and there were some snowflakes on the window. I ran for the camera, and here we are! They aren't the closest shots, because it is a double pane window, and I was on the inside while the snowflakes were on the outside, but it's better than I've had before.

 Snowflakes are sort of like bugs in a way - well, two ways. They are small, and they tend to fly away just as you are about to take a picture. Though I suppose I can't really blame the snowflakes, since they are just being carried away by the wind, not zooming off on their own accord like bugs.

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