Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Reminiscences of Bugs Past

I've been going through the pictures that I took this summer, looking for good ones to put in some calendars, and it's been both a fun and overwhelming process. Overwhelming because there were days I took 400 pictures. Quite a contrast to yesterday, when I think I took ten. Today I took 36 on a bug walk that was cut short when it started raining. What's fun is, of course, looking at some awesome pictures of bugs. Sorry if I sound conceited, but I did take a few awesome pictures of bugs this summer (I also took a lot of awful pictures, but I can blame some of that on the wind or the bugs). Mostly it's the bugs that are awesome, though. Some of them I had forgotten about, and so it's exciting to re-discover them. Some of the pictures, though, I distinctly recall taking - I remember where in the yard it was, I remember the weather, or other things about the circumstances. The process is also cementing in my mind some of my impressions of bug hunting this summer: there weren't many butterflies, there weren't many dragonflies, and there were a LOT of stinkbugs.

No stinkbugs today, however. I didn't have a lot of time to look around before the rain got to be too much for my camera, but I would say that mostly what I saw today was springtails. They seem to like this wet, mid-40s weather.

 There was a swarm of four of these bugs today. There's two in this picture, but only one in focus.

 Ant, with bonus springtail.

Arachnid Appreciation:
Just a couple of tiny spiders today. I was not ready to empty the rain gauge, so I don't know how Rain Gauge Spider is doing today.

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