Thursday, October 16, 2014

Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head

I'm going to focus on what was good about the backyard today: 1) I think I saw a dragonfly laying eggs in a puddle (Though come to think of it, when that puddle dries up that will be it for the eggs, so that's not good, but it was still interesting to see). 2) I saw a firefly light up in the backyard when I was out looking at the sky tonight. It was a pleasant surprise, because the firefly season ended months ago.

Almost everything else today was rain and slugs, so...

Moving right into Backyard Bug of the Day:
Tiny, vibrant leaf hopper. This is on the storm door on the porch. I almost always see these on the porch when the light is on. Maybe only twice have I seen one 'in the wild.' That is possibly because they are so small.

Random Bugs:
 Saddleback with raindrops on its head. It was not singing about it.

 Everybody's got rain on their head.

Okay, not this ant.

 Interesting thing about this leaf hopper. From one angle it looks like this, one I have featured before...

 ... But from this angle it looks completely different, in a totally different color scheme.

 Ladybugs eat aphids...

 Which doesn't seem to concern these aphids...

 There were at least fifty aphids on the arm of this chair where the ladybug was sitting. They kept marching right by, and the ladybug didn't care at all. It could be because it had just eaten - in the first two pictures the aphid near its head is dead (I moved it for the third picture), but still. I can't help but wonder at the aphids lack of concern. They don't seem to have an instinct to avoid the predator.

 Leaf hopper on the storm door.

Arachnid Appreciation:
 This spider did that move where it shakes the web like mad. This is the second time I have seen a spider do that, but interestingly, it was a different species of spider than last time.

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